
Dames Bybelstudie en Omgeegroep
Die dames van die Afrikaanse diens kom elke Woensdag by mekaar om saam te wandel in die Woord van God. Tydens die jaar is daar ook verskeie kreatiewe kuiers waar heerlik saam gekuier word. Enige dame is welkom om hier in te skakel.

Kabulonga Bybelstudie
Ons het ook ‘n geleentheid om saam met ander gelowiges te groei, en tyd saam in die Here se Woord te spandeer. Dit vind elke tweede Dinsdag om 18:30 by die kerk plaas. Enige iemand is welkom om hierdie Bybelstudie by te woon. Hou die kalender dop vir wanneer hierdie geleenthede is.

Livingstone Bybelstudie
Elke Donderdag voor die eerste Sondag van elke maand, kom ons in Livingstone by mekaar. Ons wandel in die Woord, ondersteun mekaar en groei saam. Enige iemand is welkom om hier in te skakel. Hou gerus die kalender dop vir die datum van ons volgende geleentheid.

Lusaka Manne Gebedsgroep
Elke Woensdagoggend om 06:00 kom mans van die Afrikaanse diens by mekaar om saam stil te word en te bid. Sodoende kan ons mekaar ondersteun, en ook saam stil word voor God. Indien daar behoefte is, kom skakel gerus by ons in.

Makeni Omgeegroep
Elke tweede Woensdagaand om 18:00, kom persone van die Suidelike deel van die stad by mekaar om te groei, en om mekaar te ondersteun. Enige iemand is welkom, ons sien uit daarna om nuwe persone hier te verwelkom. Hou gerus die kalender dop vir die datum van ons volgende geleentheid.
Vir verdere inligting...
Kontak gerus ons kerk kantoor.

All Youth are invited to join us at the circle of friends that takes place every Sunday after the English service. We love to sing, learn about God and each other, and support one another.

Men's Fellowship
The men of the English service meet on the second Sunday of every month after the English service. During these meetings, men have the opportunity to support one another, and grow together as a unity.

Sunday School
All Youth are invited to join us at the circle of friends that takes place every Sunday after the English service. We love to sing, learn about God and each other, and support one another.

Youth Circle of Friends
All Youth are invited to join us at the circle of friends that takes place every Sunday after the English service. We love to sing, learn about God and each other, and support one another.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting
The weekly prayer meeting takes place every Wednesday at 16:30. All are invited and welcome to join in this time of fellowship. During this time, we reflect on Scripture and discuss relevant issues.

Women's Fellowship
The women of the English service meet every Sunday after the English Service at the church. This serves as a platform for women to grow together, and support each other in the Body of Christ.
For more information...
Please reach out to our church office.
Join our community!
Our church staff are always available and love sharing God's love, feel free to reach out to us to schedule a church visit to learn more about our community and beliefs.